Male Edge : Get Your Confidence Back

Do you want a bigger penis?

Yes, that’s a very sensitive question for men, but let’s be honest. There are very few men who have not pulled down their pants and asked themselves if their penis could be bigger. The size of a man’s penis can determine how comfortable a man feels about his own body, affecting his own self-esteem and his ability to perform. It can affect his relationship with his partner as well.

Enter Male Edge Penis Enlargement, named one of “best penis enlargement devices in 2019” and the safest and most effective devices on the market.

How Does It Work ?

Male Edge Penis Extender is a Class 1 approved medical device, one of the few penis extenders to have that designation. It’s a safe and effective form of penis enlargement, and one of the most natural. It’s a device that is attached to the penis and worn for several hours per day. The phylogenic traction increases the penis in length and width. They promote tissue growth and lengthen your penis slowly, by stretching the penis muscles painlessly. Working much like a body builder lifting weights to get bigger muscles, this device stretches the penis for the muscles to tear and be replaced with bigger and stronger cells that causes growth. It’s gentle and is designed to flex the penis mechanically &repetitiously over time to increase the length by one to three inches. It provides harmless, long-term results. It’s also effective against erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease (bent penis).


What Are The Benefits ?

Using a Male Edge Penis Extender is a much better choice over expensive penile enhancement surgery, in that it’s non-invasive and has no long-term medical side effects. It’s also much less expensive than surgery and more discreet. Other benefits include:

  • Increased Self-Image
  • Enhanced Sexual Performance
  • Safe, Effective, Natural
  • Increased Stamina
  • Happier Relationships with Partner
  • More Potent Sexual Performance
  • Higher Arousal Rate


Also, the Men’s Toy Hub recently reviewed some of the best penile enhancement tools of 2019. One of the top five devices is the Male Edge Extra package. The review said that the Male Edge “provides a permanent change to your penis” and that it’s “the only evidence-based method” of penile enhancement.

Clinical Studies Proof Of Results

Male Edge has been certified, medically tested and researched to provide proof of its success. During a test, a random group of men were selected to use the Male Edge device and were monitored carefully over a period of 26 weeks. The men reported a permanent increase in the lengths of their penises, an average of one to two millimeters per WEEK, while reporting NO medical complications. This is why Male Edge is a CE Marked Penis Enlargement Certified device with a pending registration with the FDA.

When Will You See Results?

Individual results vary, but if used as daily as instructed, you can see results anywhere between three to six months. It’s harmless, and It also comes with a 200% money back guarantee…if you don’t see growth in your penis, you will get TWICE your money back!

Bottom Line

Another alternative would be cosmetic surgery.Don’t do it. Men who tried it, immediately wish they didn’t. It’s too expensive and not covered by most insurance companies, and can cost thousands of dollars. Also, there are too many recorded cases about failed penis enlargement surgeries, often resulting in permanent erectile dysfunction, infections, excessive bleeding, or even complete penis removal. DON’T DO IT. There’s a better way…the Male Edge way.

You can take charge of your life and your self-image RIGHT NOW.Clean, safe, affordable and it WORKS. Don’t trust the most important part of your body with just any device.Choose Male Edge, critically endorsed and medically certified, this is best chance and choice. Check out their official website and start re-making yourself in your OWN image.